fredag 20 januari 2023

Sexuella övergrepp av brittiska poliser

En intressant artikel i den socialistiska tidningen "Socialist Worker" om sexuella övergrepp utförda av poliser i Storbritannien. Jag delar inte de drastiska slutsatserna mot slutet av artikeln - parollen "Abolish the police"! - men den innehåller värdefulla fakta. 

Detta är artikelns webbadress.

Rapist cops crimes exposed

David Carrick used his role as an armed Met police officer to rape and sexually abuse 12 women. He told his victims, “You are my slave,” describing them as “fat and lazy” as he urinated on and whipped them. He locked some in a small cupboard under the stairs without food and forced them to clean his house naked. 

Carrick told them when they could eat and sleep, and controlled their finances.  He refused to let them speak to friends, other men or their own children. And if his victims dared to speak up, Carrick told them they would never be believed as he was a police officer. 

One woman came forward in the wake of Sarah Everard’s kidnap and murder by serving police officer Wayne Couzens in 2021. Carrick has now pleaded guilty to 49 charges. Both Carrick and Couzens were members of the Metropolitan Police’s elite armed parliamentary and diplomatic protection command.

Southwark Crown Court this week heard that from 2003 to 2020 Carrick abused some of his victims on multiple occasions over months or years in his home county, Hertfordshire. Many attacks involved physical violence that left victims injured. His disgusting character was widely known by his colleagues, as he was nicknamed, “Bastard Dave”. He was only suspended after a second rape accusation was made against him in October 2021.

The Met Police has now said a total of 1,633 cases, ranging from arguments to the most serious sexual crimes, involving 1,071 officers and staff, will be reviewed.  But it won’t fix the institutionally sexist nature of the cops. Carrick’s sexist crimes aren’t an isolated event. He and Couzens aren’t just bad apples—the whole orchard is rotten.

Between 2019 and 2020, 160 Met officers were accused of sexual assault, harassment and other forms of misconduct. But just four have been “suspended or restricted” as a result. Since 2009 at least 15 serving or former officers have killed women in Britain, with the true figure likely much higher. The police are institutionally sexist because their job is to reinforce the power structures and the role of the state. 

Because police uphold the system, they reflect its ideas. That’s why Carrick, Couzens, racists, bullies, homophobes and sexists are pulled towards it. Now it is even more clear that the police don’t protect us. They abuse us. Police reform, inquiries and reviews aren’t enough. We must abolish the police.

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