måndag 3 december 2018

Australiens premiärmininster ber utsatta barn om ursäkt

På grannbloggen "Ritual Abuse" kan man läsa detta inlägg.

Det beskriver en anmärkningsvärd händelse. Att en australisk premiärminister ber utsatta barn om ursäkt på det sätt som sker i den nedan länkade intervjun är faktiskt en stor händelse.

Man kan hoppas att det leder vidare. Själv är jag nog väl lite mer försiktig - jag är tveksam till att detta förvisso fina tal leder till så oerhört mycket mer... Men man kan ju som sagt alltid hoppas.... :-)

Nedan den inledande texten från den länkade bloggartikeln.
"Please, please listen to https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zp5IgxPhee4

This is absolutely amazing!!!! In a 18-minute-long speech to members of the Parliament, Scott Morrison, the Prime Minister of Australia, apologized to all survivors of sexual abuse, both those abused in institutions and those abused by trusted people like parents, clergy and teachers. He also apologized for the way in which children and adults were mistreated by being not believed or simply being ignored. The apology included a call to action in helping all survivors receive help and achieve justice.

For me, the highlights were when he said the words “ritual abuse” about six minutes into the speech and when he choked up when imagining his daughters being abused.

Here is the full text of the Prime minister’s apology to survivors of child sexual abuse. Downloaded from https://www.sbs.com.au/news/i-believe-you-your-country-believes-you-pm-s-apology-to-child-sex-abuse-survivors on 11/25/2018."

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